Violetta Solovykh
Violetta Solovykh
Fairy Tales, 2023 - ongoing
The goal of the project is to awaken the viewers' interest in folklore culture. The author's concept involves creating new artistic images and a system of symbols based on the interweaving of scientific and historical knowledge with the author's interpretation of fairy tales and myths. Being deeply impressed by the distribution of motifs across different regions of the planet, the author sets the task of further exploring global connections.
Series "Maidens", 2022
A series consisting of painted canvases, with the heroines being young nude girls. The plots and characters are intended to immerse the viewer in the ever-changing rhythm of vibrant nature — swift or languid.
The characters' appearances throughout the series are never repeated; they are collective images embodying allegories of inner freedom, wildness, and improvisation. The color of the figures is intense and hot, reminiscent of glowing coals, while the bold brushstrokes that carve out their bodies spiral them into a fiery whirlwind.
"Heart of mine" and series "Feelings", 2022
The composition "Heart of mine" was created as part of the "Feelings" series in March 2022 with the intention of sending а message to the viewers to remember an important essence without which life cannot exist - we must not lose our love for others.

Based on the oil painting, the author created а linocut and printed an edition of 30 copies for the Piranesi LAB workshop project "Gifts for Friends."
Currently living and working in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Born in 1990 in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. At the age of 4, she moved to St. Petersburg with her parents.

Since 2004, she studied the fundamentals of academic drawing and painting at a private workshop under a teacher from the Ilya Repin St. Petersburg State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

In 2007, she graduated from St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Arts and Aesthetics No.190.
In 2014, she graduated from the St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design with a degree in Graphic Art.
ARTCONTACT Istanbul Contemporary Art Fair
Avrasya Show and Art Center. Istanbul, Turkey
Exhibition-project "Gifts for Friends" by PiranesiLAB, in collaboration with ArtTube Editions gallery and platform
Exhibition hall Olivie, Centre for Creative Industries Fabrika, Moscow, Russia
Vernissage of the Derzhavin Academy of the Russian Literature and Fine Arts
Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists "In Okhta", St Petersburg, Russia
Thesis Exhibition Project
White Hall of St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry named after. Stieglitz
Exhibition-Competition "Big Vacation"
The Sheremetev Palace, a branch of St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music, St Petersburg, Russia
My artistic world is a reflection on the primal nature of humanity. Immersing myself in the study of Slavic folklore and the research of fairy tales by scholars, I came to understand that the similarity of plots around the world is nothing more than evidence of a common origin preserved through millennia. I aim to express in my work that the division of people into races, nations, and religions does not negate the unified cultural and ethical roots within us.

My hero is an allegory of fiery youth and the ever-rebellious spirit undergoing the catharsis of the soul. I view fairy tale characters as performers of certain functions, guiding the viewer, like the main hero, along the path of the rebirth of their "self." The vibrant red color I predominantly use symbolizes the pulsating energy and constant movement of the life stream that unites all existence.

The vyaz, the textual ornament woven into the compositions, is the mythologeme of Russian fairy tales. Through it, I want to bring the viewer closer to deciphering the subtext hidden in folklore, reflecting an ancient understanding of the world order and the wisdom embedded in ritual culture, both in our culture and around the world.

My medium is the plane, within which I create the illusion of a fragment of mythical space. Working with oil on canvas, I adhere to a rich color palette. In graphics, I use line and spot, whether in engraving or digital art.
Сooperation, collecting, participation in exhibitions and any other directions:

+7 (965) 043-55-86